Fix typo in create_ecospace help doc for arg 'char.type'.
Minor text changes.
Change how FD::dbFD is called to allow additional user control via ... [ellipses].
Add warning to create_ecospace when number of character states you provide does not match those in the provided weight.file. (Thanks for Edicson Parra Sanchez for catching the error.)
Add warning to calc_metrics when Smax provided is greater than size of sample.
create_ecospace now correctly labels headings for factor characters.
Corrected examples for rbind_listdf.
Functions reformatted to Google / Hadley style.
Change working directory reset so no longer permanently changes wd to temp dir.
Faster examples.
Moved (outside the loop) returned value when 'increm'=TRUE for improved handling of unusual data sets.
Addition of 'increm' argument to calc_metrics() for those wishing to only calculate statistics on the entire sample (instead of incrementally). (Thanks to Craig McClain, Felipe Opazo, Stewart Edie, and Katie Collins for the recommendation.)
Improved descriptions of statistics in calc_metrics help file
Fixing miscellaneous typos
Text updates to Vignette
Text updates to Vignette
First draft of Vignette
Improved NEWS documentation
Slightly faster calculation of H, life habit richness in calc_metrics()
Minor fixes: typos in documentation and updated references
First release